Saturday 20 June 2020

Black Lives Matter and an update

There has been so much going on over the last few weeks it's hard to decide where to jump into posting again.  I've wanted to say things because it's upsetting to see how the police treat black people in this country.  It's emotionally triggering to see and to be reminded of what it feels like to be the victim of racism.  BUT it's important to look, it's important to look with your heart and take in the pain that black people have endured and are still enduring.  It's hard to make art about anything else right now.  It's hard to talk about anything else right now.  It doesn't seem respectful to ignore it, so I won't.  Do something people, go to a protest, call your elected officials, post about racism, read a book, give some money to a group doing the work; it doesn't matter what you do to help just do it.  And change your mind.  Take responsibility for racism that exists within your own life, in your speech, racist abuse (formerly known as microagression).  I am doing this, one thing I've done is to start an anti racist book club on Facebook with some friends.  I'm proud to say we have 157 members! 

Also, something that I think should have been clear to me is becoming more obvious, let's decolonize our lives, let's normalize people of color by following them and the cool things they do on social media, buy their stuff, read fiction books and cookbooks and watch movies with people of color.  I've actually been gravitating towards tv, movies, businesses, owned by POC for a long time, but that is because I am one.  But are you white my reader?  Maybe you could do the same and normalize POC.  Remember we've been taught a perspective that the white version of everything is normal and everyone else is an "other."  Become concious of this, become "woke" as they say.  Just my suggestion...let's face it if you are a racist you won't like my blog or my art.  
So I do have some awesome personal news.  I was accepted into the MFA program at California State University Northridge.  This is a dream come true for me!  I get the opportunity to study art intensively with really amazing teachers and I am so incredibly grateful.  My plan is to take the program a bit slowly, in three years instead of two because I want to do really good work, and enjoy this opportunity.  

I also want to encourage any older people (like myself), to do the things you've wanted to all your life.  It's ok to be a student in your 50's 60's and beyond.  I spent my life being a mom, I took care of my children, and then helped raise my granddaughter before I could reenter school seriously.  

I hope you are well dear readers.  Thanks for looking at my blog, Elizabeth

List of books made by the book group:
How to be an Anti-Racist - Ibram X. Kendi
White Fragility - Robin D'Angelo
Me and White Supremacy - Layla F. Saad
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander
Stamped from the Beginning - Ibram X. Kendi
Why I am No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
So You Wanna Talk about Race - Ijeoma Oluo
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And other conversations about Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum
A People's History of the United States- Howard Zinn
The End of Policing - Vitale
The Hate You Give - Angie Thomas
Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower - Brittney Cooper
I'm Still Here:  Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness - Austine Channing Brown
Set the Night on Fire: LA in the Sixties
Just Mercy - Bryan Stevenson
Between the World and Me - Ta-Hehisi Coates
Lies My Teacher Told me - James W Loewen
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Stolen Lives Killed by Law Enformcement
Coming of Age in Mississippi - Anne Moody
The Fire This Time - Jesmyn Ward

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